Ring Around the Phonics

home school curriculum

Home School

How to home school your child without bringing both you and them to tears is easier than you think.. With a little information and the right tools, your child will succeed. Their tears will turn to joy. So will yours.

First thing to remember is to give both you and your child time to learn how to home school. Don’t worry about that, because your child won’t miss out on a grade level. In other words: Home school is not the classroom. Let me repeat that, because it is important: “home school is not the classroom”. The whole world is now your classroom, and you are not under the same restrictions as a public school teacher.

Secondly: The biggest mistake new parents make, when they home school their children, is to duplicate the public school system and curriculum. It sets one up for failure. This pubic school teacher who became a homeschooling mom explains. The U.S. use to have the best education in the world. But with the advent of a “one size fits all approach from the bureaucrats, we now rank 38 out of 71 countries.

How To Home School steps

1. Begin by learning your home school State laws. There are Home School Associations in every state that will provide you that information at little or no cost. For Florida, I recommend The Florida Parent Educators Association. Be sure to check out their annual home school convention and one of my articles on their site. For other states, I recommend The Home School Legal Association.

2. Connect with local homeschooling families that can be found on your State home school association site. The larger groups provide field trip, graduation ceremonies, and legal information. You will eventually find a small group that will provide an opportunity for your children to socialize. The parents, in this small home school groups, can also take turns teaching various subjects on a weekly “get together.”

3. Choose your curriculum wisely. The free government curriculum duplicates “the one size fits all” problem that plagues today’s pubic schools. I recommend Ring Around The Phonics for teaching reading (early reader books are included), phonics, comprehension skills, listening skills, and even some foreign languages like Spanish. Ring Around the Phonics can be used to create you and income too.

4. I recommend Math U See for beginning math concepts.

The World is Your Classroom

  1. A trip to the grocery store can become a lesson in weights, measures, math, check book balancing, and budgeting, and reading .
  2. Building a bird house or fort can become a lesson in geometry, measuring, and design.
  3. A walk in the woods becomes a lesson in nature, animal studies, resources, songs, insects, birds, archaeology and sequencing.
  4. Playing games like Ring Around The Phonics can teach co-operation, listening skills, and comprehension skills as well as phonics and reading. Games involve all the senses, which improves the health of the brain
  5. Hands on learners and analytical personalities learn best while doing things. Work books and sit down learning are a disaster for hands on learners.
  6. Finish schools surpass U.S. public schools. That is because they are more like U.S. home schools. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/why-are-finlands-schools-successful-49859555/

How To Home School Children With Learning disabilities

Scientists are rethinking everything they knew about learning disabilities. At this link you will learn how to home school the child with ADD/ ADHD. Check back with us regularly, because we will be posting more about learning disabilities and recent findings.

Government Curriculum Changes History

history lessons

Learn more about true American history here.

Learn how to teach phonics, reading and comprehension here.

Home School Tips, by home school parents

Suicide Depression and violence in our schools.