Ring Around the Phonics

ring around the phonics

Home School

How to home school your child without bringing both you and them to tears is easier than you think.. With a little information and the right tools, your child will succeed. Their tears will turn to joy. So will yours.

First thing to remember is to give both you and your child time to learn how to home school. Don’t worry about that, because your child won’t miss out on a grade level. In other words: Home school is not the classroom. Let me repeat that, because it is important: “home school is not the classroom”. The whole world is now your classroom, and you are not under the same restrictions as a public school teacher.

Secondly: The biggest mistake new parents make, when they home school their children, is to duplicate the public school system and curriculum. It sets one up for failure. This pubic school teacher who became a homeschooling mom explains. The U.S. use to have the best education in the world. But with the advent of a “one size fits all approach from the bureaucrats, we now rank 38 out of 71 countries.

How To Home School steps

1. Begin by learning your home school State laws. There are Home School Associations in every state that will provide you that information at little or no cost. For Florida, I recommend The Florida Parent Educators Association. Be sure to check out their annual home school convention and one of my articles on their site. For other states, I recommend The Home School Legal Association.

2. Connect with local homeschooling families that can be found on your State home school association site. The larger groups provide field trip, graduation ceremonies, and legal information. You will eventually find a small group that will provide an opportunity for your children to socialize. The parents, in this small home school groups, can also take turns teaching various subjects on a weekly “get together.”

3. Choose your curriculum wisely. The free government curriculum duplicates “the one size fits all” problem that plagues today’s pubic schools. I recommend Ring Around The Phonics for teaching reading (early reader books are included), phonics, comprehension skills, listening skills, and even some foreign languages like Spanish. Ring Around the Phonics can be used to create you and income too.

4. I recommend Math U See for beginning math concepts.

The World is Your Classroom

  1. A trip to the grocery store can become a lesson in weights, measures, math, check book balancing, and budgeting, and reading .
  2. Building a bird house or fort can become a lesson in geometry, measuring, and design.
  3. A walk in the woods becomes a lesson in nature, animal studies, resources, songs, insects, birds, archaeology and sequencing.
  4. Playing games like Ring Around The Phonics can teach co-operation, listening skills, and comprehension skills as well as phonics and reading. Games involve all the senses, which improves the health of the brain
  5. Hands on learners and analytical personalities learn best while doing things. Work books and sit down learning are a disaster for hands on learners.
  6. Finish schools surpass U.S. public schools. That is because they are more like U.S. home schools. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/why-are-finlands-schools-successful-49859555/

How To Home School Children With Learning disabilities

Scientists are rethinking everything they knew about learning disabilities. At this link you will learn how to home school the child with ADD/ ADHD. Check back with us regularly, because we will be posting more about learning disabilities and recent findings.

Government Curriculum Changes History

history lessons

Learn more about true American history here.

Learn how to teach phonics, reading and comprehension here.

Home School Tips, by home school parents

Suicide Depression and violence in our schools.

Help Your Child Learn

Are you interested in helping your child learn?  Does it break your heart to see them struggling?  I am going to tell you a true story that will help you to help your child.

How to help child learn

True Story

In the 70s, I was given my first group of eight children that had not learned to read with the traditional method of teaching. That method was the “one size fits all” approach that plagues the public schools. That is because of   Government Central Planning/ Government mandated curriculum and testing) has not allowed teachers to individualize the curriculum.

That group of 8 were all first graders from the same class.  They were given to me shortly after Christmas. That is when teachers are suppose to decided which children they were going to fail.  This decision is traditionally made by that time of year, because it allows teachers to prepare the other children for the year end test. She (the teacher) told me that I was to help these children learn to read. She continued to work with them on every subject except reading.  So I knew that I was to be their babysitter for the remainder of the year. These eight children were considered dumb by their classmates. It was absolutely no fault of the teacher…It was just kids logical observations, and conclusions.


Seven were hands on learners, and one had a short term memory problem.  I knew these kids, and their families, because I was in the “Follow Through Program . Thus I knew they were smart, and had the ability to learn. So I just could not give up on helping them by simply babysitting. Perhaps you can imagine how inadequate I felt. To be honest, I was scared. So I did the only thing I knew to do, and that was to pray for guidance. I asked a Higher Power to show me how to help these children. That very night, in a dream, the whole method was presented to me.  So the next school day, I was well prepared.  The children loved the game from my dream.

Parents often approach me with the same feelings I had.  They are concerned that they are not capable of teaching their children phonetic  reading. So I ask them, “Can you read?”  When they say, “Yes”, my reply is: “Then you can teach your child to read. With the right tools it is a ton of fun, and much easier than you think.”  We have even provided you free videos so you can make sure you are teaching the phonic sounds correctly. This is import for some children, and the first video explains the most commonly mispronounced sounds….Free Phonic Sounds Videos Here


One little boy (the tallest in the group) was advancing more slowly than the others.  So one child declared, “He is dumb!”  You can imagine how that child felt being called “dumb”.  The tallest child lowered his eyes, and his face.  He looked so sad, and devastated. It was heart breaking. Is that happening to your child?

I knew that he lived on a small farm, and could drive a tractor.  So I quickly said, “Oh no, he is not dumb!  Did you know that he can drive a tractor?”  The other kids exclaimed, “He Can?”   I said, “yes”!  The little boy who thought he was the dumbest of the dumb, was suddenly aroused.  He raised his face, and his blue eyes widened with surprise.   From that day forward, he was considered the hero of the group, and, more importantly, he learned more quickly. In fact all seven of these children began learning faster in other subjects too. That was simply because they discovered that they were not dumb after all.  A child’s attitude about themselves can affect their learning ability.  

how to help child learn

Team Building

Because there had been so much divisiveness and shame in the group, I told them:  “once you all learn your first 8 sounds, we will  read your first book together”.  That day arrived rather quickly, and the kids were so excited (me too).  We all giggled in delight as the reader rapped their arms around themselves in a hug, and giggled with joy.  As a result they had become a team eager to help one-another.help your child learn


Finally I went to the teacher, and told her that seven were reading at grade level, and were ready for her to put back in her reading groups.  However, She did not believe me. So I was their only reading/ phonics teacher for the remainder of the year.

I did not know it then, but the method that came in that dream is whole brain teaching, which involves as many of the senses as possible. Scientific Studies show that with this method, children learn faster, retain more, and it improves the health of the brain. That means it is excellent for hands on learners, and for children with learning disabilities. I will tell you more about that below.

Traditional Method Fails Too Many Children 

These 7 children didn’t learn with the traditional method (flash cards and workbooks), because they were “hands on learners”. Forty Five percent of children are hands on learners.  With this game,  their self-esteem was better, and their stress dissolved, because they were playing. I was teaching. But,  in their mind,  they were playing.  Dr. Stanley explains why this method is so effective (A Vygotskian Perspective) in the video below. Whole brain teaching helps children learn, and studies show that it even reduces stress, and improves the health of the brain.

To the teacher’s surprise, seven of my group passed the end of the year reading test, and were moved on to second grade.  Over the years I repeated that success with children from kindergarten through sixth grade, using that very same method.  Adults began asking me to teach them how to help their children who were struggling with their reading/ phonics. So my daughter, some home school families, a game designer, and an English college professor, helped me to develop the learning game Ring Around The Phonics. It is now easy for you to help your child, because of their loving efforts. (Customers can buy this product on our website).

I am excited to tell you this: To my surprise other educators began to show me that they were using it to help children learn:

  • Phonics, Reading and Blending of Sounds
  • Comprehension, Communication and Listening Skills
  • Spelling and Vocabulary
  • Foreign Languages
  • All sorts of language arts subjects
  • To learn more about the game, click here.  Be sure to check out the savings with our value pack click here (The fourth purchasing option). 

Over the years, I have been blessed with that dream.  Because I have been able to help many more children (home school and public school) using that very game, which we make available to you on this site..  

Now You Can Help Your Child learn, Even If The Teacher says Otherwise

Don’t let your child suffer any longer.  You can help your child with Whole Brain Teaching…  Help them learn to read, the easy and fun way, as have many others just like you.


Nile Stanley, Ph.D. reading professor, University of North Florida

Dr. Stanley explains why this method is so effective (A Vygotskian Perspective).

Note: Studies show that when children discover their natural talents (that which lights their fire), they will learn previously difficult subjects just to be able to do that which sparks them.  Read more about that on our blog.  

In 2005, more children were helped: 

See the letter below, and hear another true story at this link: Most Common in Poor Readers

help child learn

Homeschooling provides more of an opportunity to do healthy whole brain teaching than is possible in today’s public schools.