Has American history been rewritten? Are you curious to know? I began asking that in college during the 60’s. It set me on an interesting journey. I encourage you to share it with your children. That is if you don’t want history to repeat itself.
American History Rewritten: The American Revolution
Do you know our children are taught that the American Revolution was fought over a tea tax (The Boston Tea Party)? Perhaps you too thought that.
The Declaration of Independence clearly spells out the reasons for the revolt against British Colonial rule. The Boston Tea Party did happen, but it was by no means the reason for the American Revolution…History has been rewritten.
The spark that ignited our Founding Fathers was the British Coercive Acts of 1774. They were a collection of four laws imposed on American colonies. The colonists called them the Intolerable Acts.
The Four Coercive Acts
I. The Boston Port Act
was passed on March 31, 1774. It was designed to punish the colonies for what a small band of Bostonians did. They dumped tea into the harbor objecting to a tea tax. The Boston Port Act commanded that the Royal British Navy blockade all imports to the Boston Harbor…. except for “necessary provisions” (like provisions for the British army, fuel and wheat.). It also prohibited any exports form the Boston Harbor.
Can you imagine the impact? It damaged the provincial economy, drove up unemployment, and starved the Boston people. Were you taught that? Was history rewritten? Why?
2. The Massachusetts Government Act
was the second “Intolerable Act”. It passed on May 20th 1774. Massachusetts had previously elected their Council. No more…not with this new decree. From now on the council was appointed by Britain’s crown. But it did not stop there.
(a) The new Royal Governor would now choose judges and county sheriffs. The Royal Governor would also appoint jurors. This harmed the impartiality of the colony’s judicial System.
(b) Town meetings were also restricted to once a year, with any additional meetings requiring the Royal Governor’s approval.
3. The Impartial Administration of Justice Act
further increased the power of the Governor. It gave the Royal Governor the power to move a trial to another colony or to Great Britain if it was so determined.
Think about it: These two acts eliminated the right to a fair trial by one’s peers. It removed an established judicial principle dating back to The Magna Carta. The Government Act and Impartial Administration Act abolished representative government. They established an all-powerful governor, and abolished the right to a fair trial. As you can see, it was about far more than a “tea tax” . Was history rewritten?
4. The Quartering Act
was the fourth and final act of the Coercive Acts. It was given royal assent on June 2 1774. It was the only one to apply to all the colonies. This Act commanded that British troops be housed in “uninhabited houses” (out-houses, barns, or other buildings). They were to be housed at the expense of the colonists. It brought British troops close to home, giving them more control over the people.
Our Forefathers Objected
The colonies petitioned. But it fell on deaf ears. The intolerable acts were not repealed. Needless to say, the Coercive Acts caused a shift in American opinion. George Washington originally condemned the Boston Tea party. But he now rallied behind the Bostonians. The American Revolution began in April of 1775.
History Rewritten Using Dictionaries Too
In the 60s when I started college, our professors were teaching: that we were a “democratic republic”. My Dad would say, “No, we are a republic”. But I thought my professors knew more.
But years later schools began teaching that we are a democracy…leaving out republic all together. Like you, I got curious. I too began researching.
Welfare defined 1828 history
The word “welfare” is used in the Preamble of the Constitution and in two other places as well. Rewriting history and dictionaries makes it difficult to understand the Constitution’s original meaning. One needs an old dictionary, old documents, the Federalist papers, and old text books.
A free online 1828 definition defines Welfare this way: WELFARE, noun [well and fare, a good faring; G.]
1. Exemption from misfortune, sickness, calamity or evil; the enjoyment of health and the common blessings of life; prosperity; happiness; applied to persons.
2. Exemption from any unusual evil or calamity; the enjoyment of peace and prosperity, or the ordinary blessings of society and civil government; applied to states.
But a modern dictionary describes the word welfare as the government giving money to the needy. …Big difference.
Other British Colonies
Ireland and India had similar problems with British Colonialism (Hegemony). That is not to say the British are bad people. However anything that becomes too powerful has the potential to become dangerous.
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