Phonics and Reading Blog
When People notice that I am wearing Cochlear Implants, they often ask me questions about my experience. If you or a loved one wear a cochlear (or a hearing aid), or are thinking about it, this article is for you. The auditory exercises can also be used to help those who are simply hard of hearing.
Personal Experience.
First Cochlear (Left Ear)
On February 3, 2023, my first Cochlear was activated. That day was , at first, was so disappointing, because I could hear noise, but nothing made any sense. The audiologist, seeing the sadness on my face began talking to me. Within a few minutes, I began to hear a few words.
Within a few minutes, I became very excited, because I could hear music (familiar songs) for the first time in years. It was so beautiful. I moved around the doctor’s office turning on water, tapping on metal, tapping my feet…. I could hear water running!!!!
Amazingly Beautiful: a Miracle
When we got home, I could hear my water fountain, my chimes, and the clanking of dishes and silverware. Because I had not heard them in so long, it was amazingly beautiful.
However, voices sounded like Darth Vader. Therefore, it took some work (see following) to understand the spoken words. However, within 3 months, I was hearing 90% of the spoken word.
Second Cochlear (Right Ear)
On September 21, 2023, I received my second cochlear. Music and everything sounded like a Bee trying to talk to me. It was very different from my first experience. I have been told that as long as one hears noise, it is a good thing, because we can work with that. As one can conclude, every ear is different. In fact, every person is different. One size does not fit all.
As with my first cochlear, I began the following exercises. The progress was slower, but I soon began hearing in that ear too.
Cochlear Exercises For The First Three Months
My Audiologist told me to listen to sound all day long wearing my CI, even if I had to talk to myself. She did not activate any of my accessories during this period.
When one has not heard for a long period, the connection from the ears to the brain weakens. In fact, recent studies show that hearing loss can cause early Alzheimer. In order to regain that connection, one has to do auditory exercises.
Following are some of the things, I found most helpful, and many are things one can do while getting work done.
- Speaking the phonic sounds, and their words aloud to oneself. Hearing my own voice seem to speed things up. To hear the phonic sounds (free), Click on the following link:
- Listen to familiar songs. One can even listen to YouTube videos with lyrics. Sing along with them. Again listening to my own voice seemed to speed the process on my first cochlear (left ear), and the second one in my right ear.
- Count Out Loud
- Watch TV with the captioning on until you no longer need it.
- Read aloud.
- The public library might give you a free talking book. They even send listening books free of charge. They did that with me when I explained what the audiologist said.
Three Months Later
After the first three months, she (the audiologist) had me do formal exercises 30 minutes per day. However, I continue to do the above as well. I have found doing the formal exercises first thing in the morning, and before going to bed helps a lot.
Here are some of my favorite formal exercises:
- Number one on the list is Hearoes, which is an app on your cell phone. (Google Play for Android phones & Apple store for Apple phones) There is a cost for this one. (It is spelled Hearoes, not heroes)
- Word Success app is free.
- The listening Room is free ( .
After Mastering The Spoken Words
After one is hearing well, you can work on hearing with background noise. Following are some effective ways to do just that:
- Listen to someone while playing TV or music. Up, or lower the volume as needed.
- Go to restaurants with friends.
- “Lace Listening” costs about 100.00, and that is a onetime fee.
Contacting Me
Best wishes on your Cochlear hearing journey. Please feel free to contact me, if you want more information, or have questions.
This article will show you how to teach children sequencing the fun and easy way.
Studies show young children learn best while at play (Whole Brain Teaching). Following are some great examples about teaching sequencing using whole brain teaching.
First explain (to the child): “sequencing means to put a story in the order that things happened. For example: Suppose I tell you to put the milk in the refrigerator. Would you walk to the refrigerator before picking up the milk?” Ask them, “why not?” “So sequencing means to tell a story in the exact order that it all happened.”
I. How To Teach Children Sequencing Activity One (can be done with preschool children as well)
A. Take the child for a walk. Point out important markers as you go (example: a large tree, a stop sign, a green house, ext.). Have the child help you find the way back by pointing out the markers in reverse order.
B. The next activity begins once you return to your starting point. Discuss (with the child) how important it is to notice markers in the proper order (sequencing) to protect us from getting lost.
C. Have them draw and color pictures of the land marks, and put them in sequential order.
D. One will likely have to repeat this a few times before the child actually develops the brain patterns to complete this task efficiently. However “hands on learners” (45% of the population) often surprise us by how quickly and accurately they master this activity.
II. Possible Extra Activity to teach children sequencing (note: For home school families this activity can be done in a co-op setting.)
A. This lesson is done after completing an activity such as a field trip or baking a cake. Instruct each child to draw and color pictures of different parts of that event. It is important to tell each child what you want them to make their drawing about. Make sure you do not assign more than one child to draw that portion of the event.
Then have each of them come to the front of the room holding their pictures up, and telling what it is about. (You may have to remind younger ones). Make sure the order is not in the proper sequence at this time. The reason becomes clear in the next step.
B. Now have the children put the pictures in sequential order. Discussion is important as the activity moves along. The children might get it wrong. That is not a problem. Use mistakes to teach by recapping the story in the wrong order. Ask them: “what is wrong with with this order/sequencing?” Have them discuss how they would they fix it (Example: “If we put the cake in the oven before adding the eggs, what would happen?”) Give lavish praises when they get it right. Also, immediate corrections are much better than waiting for a later time.
III. How to teach Sequencing: Activity Two (This one is especially good because it also teaches general reading comprehension)
A. Have the child (or children as the case may be) read an early reader book out loud to you. It is to be in book format with page numbers. They are to read one page at a time reenacting each page using pipits or play acting. Make any corrections in the play acting as you move through the book.
B. Note: It is important to have or create a book. Also make extra copies of each page in advance. Be sure to white out all page numbers on the extra page copies.
C. Next tell the child to put the page copies in their proper sequential order. Hide the book for this part. Wrong answers are not a problem. Use them to teach by recapping the story in the order the child presents it. Ask them what is wrong with this story? have them rearrange the pages in proper order? Note: It is good, but not necessary, that they have everything in the same order as the book does…only that it is in a logical order.
D. Remind the child how important it was to remember the exact order the land marks happened so we could find their way back (activity I above). Be sure to praise all successes. Teaching with the child in mind is far more effective than a “one size fits all workbook approach.”
You are given my permission to copy the following early reader book (one of 14 Early Reader Books Included in our language arts teaching tool). Use it to teach the last activity.
Note :The Activity cards in Ring Around The Phonics. also teach sequencing, comprehension, and listening skills.

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To define a Republic one must understand it’s origin, and history. The U.S. Constitution did not originate in 1787. It originated in the year 1100, and probably earlier. So the U.S. Constitution began over 600 years before it’s signing. The Constitution incorporates five charters. Alexander Hamilton Federalist papers 84.
Republic Defined begins with The Charter Of Liberties Of Henry I, 1100
Henry arrived on the throne very unsure of himself and his rights. You see, his elder brother ruled before him, and was very ruthless. So King Henry I ‘s charter is more specific than many others, and looks to win support by reversing bad practices of his brother William Rufus. Much of it reads like The Magna Carta
Henry’s charter said the following, which the U.S. Founders also believed :
- The inheritance tax was evil and oppressive.
- No one was above the law, not even kings.
- The Income tax was considered evil.
- The church will be free of government intrusion .
You know what? King Henry I did not believe a word of what he wrote. It was mostly to win the harts of the people…much like a campaign speech of today. Harts is a key word here to understand and define what a Republic is. That becomes more clear as you proceed.
Republic Defined: The Magna Carta
Again the ruling class (government) became increasingly oppressive. But this time the people made a list telling the King what he could, and could not do. It basically said that if we allow you to remain our King, you must first sign these agreements. It contained the following:
- No taxation without representation
- The right to Habeas Corpus
Does this not sound familiar?
Republic Defined: Petition of Rights of 1628
Believe it or not, The ruling class became increasingly, and insanely aggressive towards the people. But it culminated with the reign of King Charles I.
- You cannot quarter solders in our homes.
- You shall not order martial law in time of peace.
- Liberty is the inherent possession of men, and not of
You see folks, we sense in our harts when things are wrong. We do not need government or the media to tell us. We know it from our humanity.
The Grand Remonstrance of 1641
During this period in history there were religious wars all over Europe, and king Charles I was funneling money to the enemy spending the people’s money to defeat their own soldiers. The Banks do this today. The people charged the King with treason, convicted him, and put him to death.
Another list was written of how the king had violated the charter of 1100, The Magna Carta and Petition of 1628. The United Nations did not invent sustainable development—King Charles did. He also took the government off of the gold and silver standard, and put them on fiat.
The people were clearly seeing a pattern of corruption in the rich and powerful. They saw foreign laws imposed on them, corruption of the court. Property right intrusion, intrusion of the Churches, disarming the people, over and over again for 600 years.
The Glorious Revolution of 1688.
King James II. began placing Roman law over the British (foreign law). Again the ruling class was breaking the previous agreements.
Five Ministers petitioned, which was legal in Britain at the time. They were imprisoned because they disagreed with the king. A revolution was borne The glorious revolution of 1688 bringing about the Bill of Rights of 1689. The king was overturning law (executive orders today). Executive orders were meant to regulate presidents, not people or laws.
We have the same problems today as in 1688. Parliament was doing nothing about it. Congress is doing nothing about it today. Our government agencies are not governed by the same laws…they write law without consent of congress
A Republic is in the harts of the people, not the government.
Americans did not fight the” American Revolution…There were no Americans at that time. They were British Citizens, who were again experiencing egregious violations of the five charters…government corruption. It was a civil war (British citizens against their oppressive ruling class). So when Patrick Henry said, “give me liberty or give me death”. He did not mean he would die to be free to do whatever he wanted. He meant free him from bondage and oppression, or give him death.
The colonies first petitioned the King many times before they wrote The Declaration of Independence .
The U.S. Constitution (charter) is not a living breathing document. That is another word for banana republic. Proponents use “living document” to say the founders did not have the internet or telephones, therefore we do not come under the Constitution: we can limit your freedom of speech and invade your privacy.
In Conclusion:
A Republic is a limited government.
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Has American history been rewritten? Are you curious to know? I began asking that in college during the 60’s. It set me on an interesting journey. I encourage you to share it with your children. That is if you don’t want history to repeat itself.
American History Rewritten: The American Revolution
Do you know our children are taught that the American Revolution was fought over a tea tax (The Boston Tea Party)? Perhaps you too thought that.
The Declaration of Independence clearly spells out the reasons for the revolt against British Colonial rule. The Boston Tea Party did happen, but it was by no means the reason for the American Revolution…History has been rewritten.

The spark that ignited our Founding Fathers was the British Coercive Acts of 1774. They were a collection of four laws imposed on American colonies. The colonists called them the Intolerable Acts.
The Four Coercive Acts

I. The Boston Port Act
was passed on March 31, 1774. It was designed to punish the colonies for what a small band of Bostonians did. They dumped tea into the harbor objecting to a tea tax. The Boston Port Act commanded that the Royal British Navy blockade all imports to the Boston Harbor…. except for “necessary provisions” (like provisions for the British army, fuel and wheat.). It also prohibited any exports form the Boston Harbor.
Can you imagine the impact? It damaged the provincial economy, drove up unemployment, and starved the Boston people. Were you taught that? Was history rewritten? Why?
2. The Massachusetts Government Act
was the second “Intolerable Act”. It passed on May 20th 1774. Massachusetts had previously elected their Council. No more…not with this new decree. From now on the council was appointed by Britain’s crown. But it did not stop there.
(a) The new Royal Governor would now choose judges and county sheriffs. The Royal Governor would also appoint jurors. This harmed the impartiality of the colony’s judicial System.
(b) Town meetings were also restricted to once a year, with any additional meetings requiring the Royal Governor’s approval.
3. The Impartial Administration of Justice Act
further increased the power of the Governor. It gave the Royal Governor the power to move a trial to another colony or to Great Britain if it was so determined.
Think about it: These two acts eliminated the right to a fair trial by one’s peers. It removed an established judicial principle dating back to The Magna Carta. The Government Act and Impartial Administration Act abolished representative government. They established an all-powerful governor, and abolished the right to a fair trial. As you can see, it was about far more than a “tea tax” . Was history rewritten?
4. The Quartering Act
was the fourth and final act of the Coercive Acts. It was given royal assent on June 2 1774. It was the only one to apply to all the colonies. This Act commanded that British troops be housed in “uninhabited houses” (out-houses, barns, or other buildings). They were to be housed at the expense of the colonists. It brought British troops close to home, giving them more control over the people.
Our Forefathers Objected

The colonies petitioned. But it fell on deaf ears. The intolerable acts were not repealed. Needless to say, the Coercive Acts caused a shift in American opinion. George Washington originally condemned the Boston Tea party. But he now rallied behind the Bostonians. The American Revolution began in April of 1775.
History Rewritten Using Dictionaries Too
In the 60s when I started college, our professors were teaching: that we were a “democratic republic”. My Dad would say, “No, we are a republic”. But I thought my professors knew more.
But years later schools began teaching that we are a democracy…leaving out republic all together. Like you, I got curious. I too began researching.
Welfare defined 1828 history
The word “welfare” is used in the Preamble of the Constitution and in two other places as well. Rewriting history and dictionaries makes it difficult to understand the Constitution’s original meaning. One needs an old dictionary, old documents, the Federalist papers, and old text books.
A free online 1828 definition defines Welfare this way: WELFARE, noun [well and fare, a good faring; G.]
1. Exemption from misfortune, sickness, calamity or evil; the enjoyment of health and the common blessings of life; prosperity; happiness; applied to persons.
2. Exemption from any unusual evil or calamity; the enjoyment of peace and prosperity, or the ordinary blessings of society and civil government; applied to states.
But a modern dictionary describes the word welfare as the government giving money to the needy. …Big difference.
Other British Colonies
Ireland and India had similar problems with British Colonialism (Hegemony). That is not to say the British are bad people. However anything that becomes too powerful has the potential to become dangerous.
Articles of interest:
- How To Home School
- Did you know: ism Words like socialism, capitalism, and fascism did not even exist before the early 20th century when history was being rewritten?
- Learn about socialism from a real life experience.
- How to teach phonics, reading and comprehension
- Republic Defined
- Is the Constitution A Slave Document?
How to home school your child without bringing both you and them to tears is easier than you think.. With a little information and the right tools, your child will succeed. Their tears will turn to joy. So will yours.
First thing to remember is to give both you and your child time to learn how to home school. Don’t worry about that, because your child won’t miss out on a grade level. In other words: Home school is not the classroom. Let me repeat that, because it is important: “home school is not the classroom”. The whole world is now your classroom, and you are not under the same restrictions as a public school teacher.
Secondly: The biggest mistake new parents make, when they home school their children, is to duplicate the public school system and curriculum. It sets one up for failure. This pubic school teacher who became a homeschooling mom explains. The U.S. use to have the best education in the world. But with the advent of a “one size fits all approach from the bureaucrats, we now rank 38 out of 71 countries.
How To Home School steps
1. Begin by learning your home school State laws. There are Home School Associations in every state that will provide you that information at little or no cost. For Florida, I recommend The Florida Parent Educators Association. Be sure to check out their annual home school convention and one of my articles on their site. For other states, I recommend The Home School Legal Association.
2. Connect with local homeschooling families that can be found on your State home school association site. The larger groups provide field trip, graduation ceremonies, and legal information. You will eventually find a small group that will provide an opportunity for your children to socialize. The parents, in this small home school groups, can also take turns teaching various subjects on a weekly “get together.”
3. Choose your curriculum wisely. The free government curriculum duplicates “the one size fits all” problem that plagues today’s pubic schools. I recommend Ring Around The Phonics for teaching reading (early reader books are included), phonics, comprehension skills, listening skills, and even some foreign languages like Spanish. Ring Around the Phonics can be used to create you and income too.
4. I recommend Math U See for beginning math concepts.
The World is Your Classroom
- A trip to the grocery store can become a lesson in weights, measures, math, check book balancing, and budgeting, and reading .
- Building a bird house or fort can become a lesson in geometry, measuring, and design.
- A walk in the woods becomes a lesson in nature, animal studies, resources, songs, insects, birds, archaeology and sequencing.
- Playing games like Ring Around The Phonics can teach co-operation, listening skills, and comprehension skills as well as phonics and reading. Games involve all the senses, which improves the health of the brain
- Hands on learners and analytical personalities learn best while doing things. Work books and sit down learning are a disaster for hands on learners.
- Finish schools surpass U.S. public schools. That is because they are more like U.S. home schools.
How To Home School Children With Learning disabilities
Scientists are rethinking everything they knew about learning disabilities. At this link you will learn how to home school the child with ADD/ ADHD. Check back with us regularly, because we will be posting more about learning disabilities and recent findings.
Government Curriculum Changes History

Learn more about true American history here.
Learn how to teach phonics, reading and comprehension here.
Broken Families – Lost Souls
Broken families have created an increase in violence, suicide and depression (“Lost Souls”). The cause and solutions will likely surprise you, as it did for me. This article is for all the parents who want to help their children avoid abusive relationships. It is also for those who have been shunned or unfairly judged.
Lost Souls and Broken Families includes:
- Has America Lost it’s Soul causing Broken Families?
- Mommy Blaming
- “Men Are Toxic”
- Labeling
- “It takes a Village”
- Broken Communities and lost Souls
- Democracy: Majority rules (But what is that Majority turns on you?)
1. Has America Lost It’s Soul?
I watched a documentary about a small indigenous tribe in the Amazon. The village worked together much like my family in Mexico. One member of the village made the meat kill for the whole tribe, he was rewarded by having first choice of the meat.
Some of the men, in the tribe, were brought to America to witness how Americans live. The men were invited into American homes for their brief stay. The American hosts thought the Amazonians would be impressed with American prosperity. But, that was not the case. The men were surprised to see all the homeless in the midst of all this prosperity. They were disappointed.
One of them was particularly drawn to a very old homeless man. He spent the whole day with with the old man. The tribesman wished to show him that he was a valuable human being deserving of love and attention.
The Amazonians Felt Sorry For Americans
That evening, they returned to the homes of their hosts. They talked about the old man, “who had no one to love him”. They said that would not happen in their village. The indigenous people told their host: they were going to pray for Americans. They said, “Americans have lost their souls”.
My interest was sparked by that documentary. So, I began to research more. There can be many reasons for the divisiveness in families (lost souls and broken families). Mental illness is no excuse, but it happens. Abuse can divide families. Alcohol and drugs can cause broken families. But it was something else that began to surprise me as I did the research…It was totally unexpected.
2. Mommy Blame/Broken Families And Lost Souls
1. ELEANOR BAILEY writes about a real life example of Lost Souls and Broken Families:
The man who created the BBC, the first Director General, Lord Reith had the classic split personality of the over-achiever. At work he was a colossus – revered, respected and highly honored. At home, to his family, he was a tyrannical bully.
A new biography by his now 74 year old daughter reveals that he had a string of blatant affairs, conducted openly and for which he never felt obliged to apologize, despite his public views on television’s absolute responsibility to uphold moral standards.
There was his emotional distance, his anger – he threw telephones across rooms and smashed crockery – his dismissal of family seaside holidays as “provincial and boring”.
There was the dog which he thrashed with his belt and the public humiliation of his ever-loyal wife.
He thought his children were put on this earth to improve his own image – he exerted such pressure on his daughter, Marista, to become a concert pianist that she was left incapable of playing except in an empty room.
Yet, in her new biography, his daughter doesn’t blame him.
Who is to blame?
“It must have been awful to be John Reith” she writes with remarkable sympathy, “he was always looking for something and not finding it… the man who is forever looking for his mother – a mother who was always out doing good works in the parish.”
Reith, she explains, was the youngest of six. His mother was the wife of a Scottish minister and too busy.
Part of the problem for mothers is that everyone’s expectations of them are so high. Mothers should… encourage but not smother… mentor but not influence… be responsible for happiness but nurture independence too.
“I blame Mum for not standing up to our father,” admits Kristina, 30, “Dad was a drunk and a bully. He used to insult my sister and me and my mother just stood by.
Working Mothers to blame for Broken Families and lost Souls?
“Working mothers are criticized for not being there for their children, yet full-time mothering is rarely respected.”
Psychologist Judith Rich Harris’ work suggests that peer group is more influential on older children than mothers.
“When they go out”, says Rich Harris “they cast off behavior acquired from parents like a dorky sweater their mother made them wear”.
Broken Families From Mommy Blame
Paula Chaplan writes:
In a study of 125 articles written by mental health professionals in scholarly journals, mothers were blamed for 72 different kinds of problems in their offspring, ranging from bed-wetting to schizophrenia.
Thus, many children now blame their mothers rather than taking responsibility for their own choices. The inability to accept responsibility renders these adult children helpless to solve their own problems. It dooms them to a life of dysfunction. But there is more profit in keeping people sick.
“Some Adult children are so afraid of being seen as unable to cope that they deliberately hit out at the one person in their lives that unconditionally should love them, and accept them for what they are. The thing that adult daughters should remember though, that if they in turn have children, they reap what they have sown.”
3. Men are Toxic and create Broken Families (Lost Souls)
- Lately I have heard this term used against men. Men are often described as unnecessary now that the government provides welfare for women and their children. In fact, many couples are forced to avoid marriage, because financially it is better for them (Remember the Amazonian tribesmen?).
- Several high profile male newscasters have been fired simply by the accusation of a woman. They were fired using trial by media, rather than due process. Some may have been guilty. But do you really want to give up your right to a trial by jury in exchange for a trial by the media? It is interesting to note that the news casters were replaced by several people who are likely paid a lot less.
- Several single women have said that they are glad they are raising the child by themselves. That way they don’t have a man influencing their children.
- In this video a young man poses an important question about why he’s treated as guilty for all the bad things that have happened to women. He asks, “Is this fair”. If a woman accused him he’d be treated as guilty by the system.
4. It Takes a Village
Yes, it does take a village of people who know and care about that child to raise him/her. But it does not take bureaucrats who know them only as a statistic.
My hart goes out to all who have suffered at the hands of abuse. The family unit is destroyed with dysfunctional ideas. The emptiness is often filled by gangs, or by government. We witness the consequences (violence, depression, suicide, lower wages, broken families and lost souls)
6. Broken Communities And Lost Souls)
Individual rights are destroyed, when people are judged as a collective group rather than individuals, Janice Harper, in her book “Mobbed” , explains how collective mobbing is created, and its consequences. In her book, She explains that it begins by labeling an individual or a group…Labels like “Men are toxic”, “The Problem”, “liberals are dumb”, Conservatives don’t care about children”, “Jews are rats”, “all whites are raciest”, excreta . After the label, it proceeds as follows:
- I am surprised how prevalent scapegoating and mobbing is in our society, and how much destruction it has caused. It even causes violence in our schools
Our best quality is our worst, depending on how we use it.
Humans were once at the bottom of the food chain. However, they survived because they joined together as groups. Wolves and monkeys do the same (packs and troops). Survival is a good thing.
But that same quality can be used to turn on each other (a mob).
Examples (Lost Souls, Broken Families):
- An orphaned baby monkey can only survive if the troop accept it, feeds it and nurture it. That happens only if the alpha male accepts the orphan. But, if the alpha male rejects the baby, the whole troop shuns it. Such babies rarely survive if this happens.
- The military understands this psychology in humans. It is difficult for a soldier to kill another human being. Therefore, the military uses labels to create “them and us”. Labels such as “no good Japs, but a dead Jap“, no good Indian, but a dead Indian”, “Terrorists” are taught to the troops. Thus the soldier sees the label, and not so much the human being.
- Hitler used the same psychology with the Jewish community. Labels like, “Jews are rats”, led to “Jews should be exterminated”.
7. Democracy: Majority (Mob) rules
James Madison: “The first question that offers itself is, whether the general form of the government be strictly republican(republic defined). It is evident that no other form would be reconcilable with the genius of the people of America: with the fundamental principles of the revolution; or with that honorable determination which animated every votary of freedom, to rest all our political experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government. If the plan of the convention, therefore, be found to depart from the republican character, its advocates must abandon it as no longer defensible.”
Judge Napolitano is a Constitutional Attorney. He says, “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” He calls democracy a “mobocracy”.
Karl Marx and World Government
So that my friends, is what Karl Marx meant when he said, “Democracy is the road to Communism”. In other words: We see labels, not individual human beings.
Mary Parker Folett outlined the social political and educational requirements necessary to build a world government. It was the banking interests to which her book was addressed.
“There are no individual rights, only group rights. (in such a system)”…Mary Parker Folett
Is The Constitution A Slave Document?
Slavery was a horrific practice. But there has been a lot of confusion about what the Constitution actually says about slavery (the 3/5 clause). Therefore, I decided to read the early documents rather than recent assumptions. I share that with you here.

Does the Constitution say “slaves are three fifths of a person”?
You will not find the word slave or slavery in the Constitution anywhere. However, Article I Section 2 is known as the Three Fifths Clause. Here is what it actually says:
Article I Section 2 of the Constitution states:
The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.
No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.
When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.
The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
Slavery and the Constitution?

One can easily make some false conclusions from Article I Section 2. So, it is important to know where that Article is located within the Constitution. The Constitution has subheadings. Furthermore, it is important to know a little history. I will provide both below.
- Check it out: it is all about State’s representation in the House of Representatives. You will find that clause is under the subheading: “State’s Representatives”.
- Slavery only entered the discussion as a result of an attempted
- State Representatives were in a very heated discussion over this issue. Their arguing almost destroyed the Union, before it was even created. It was the Slave states that wanted slaves counted (as whole persons…free or not). But the non-slave States wanted representation according to the number of free persons only. The latter did not want any slave counted. Non-slave states argued that if you can count your slaves, we can count our horses.
- So the former version would have given the slave holding States a big advantage, and encouraged more slavery. A slave state could have easily increased their representation, and power in the House Of Representatives by simply importing more slaves. The disagreement was so volatile that it nearly ended the creation of the Constitution of these United States. Delegates were ready to walk out.
- They finally begrudgingly reached a compromise. Three fifths of slaves were to be counted as the basis of the appointment of Representatives.
- Public schools use to teach these facts. But not today.
- Interesting note: The Founders purposely did not use the word slaves for reasons to be explained below. However “other persons” did refer to the slave population.
Why the word slavery is not in the Constitution:
You will not find the word “slavery” anywhere in the original Constitution. There is a reason for that. You see, the framers did not want the Constitution to enforce or endorse slavery. In fact, George Mason said:
“[Slavery is a] slow Poison, which is daily contaminating the Minds & Morals of our People. Every Gentleman here is born a petty Tyrant…. And in such an infernal School are to be educated our future Legislators & Rulers.”
So some founders argued to preserve slavery in the colonies, but others strongly opposed it. ”
Did you know?
The Constitution Was Written To End The Slave Trade in 1808
Article I Section 9: “The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person.”
However that Article had unintended consequences. Central planning usually has consequences. Article I Section 9 made importing slaves, after 1801 illegal. As a Result, slave owners began using slaves as breeders. Thus it created even more cruelty and suffering for the slaves. Furthermore, it drove prices and profits up for slave owners.
Some Founders Opposed Slavery?

“James Madison is sometimes referred to as the “architect of the Constitution“. He said,
“Twenty years will produce all the mischief that can be apprehended from the liberty to import slaves. So long a term will be more dishonorable to the American character than to say nothing about it in the Constitution”
What Justice Joseph Story Had To Say About Slavery And The Constitution.

Justice Joseph Story, In his book “The Familiar Exposition Of The American Constitution”, writes:
“This clause (Article I section 9) as is manifest from its language, was designed solely to reserve to the Southern states, for a limited period, the right to import slaves. It is to the honor of America, that she should have set the first example on interdicting and abolishing the slave trade, in modern times.” (pg 185).
He further writes (on page 186): “And it ought be considered as a great point gained, in favor of humanity, that a period of twenty years should enable Congress to terminate, in America (as Congress in fact has terminated the African slave trade) a traffic, which has so long and so loudly upbraided the morals and justice of modern nations.” (It is interesting to note: that his book was written well before the Civil War. )
Who Was Justice Joseph Story? Why should he should he be an authority on slavery and the Constitution?
Joseph Story was Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1811 to 1845. He was a child of the American Revolution, born three years after the Declaration of Independence. His book was once required reading in our schools. But not anymore…unless you home school.
Note: Slaves were smuggled into the U.S. after 1808. However it was unconstitutional to do so. It was illegal. Any group that becomes too big and powerful attracts oppressors, especially government. That is why it is so very important to have a Limited government. The colonists, having freed themselves form British oppression, understood that.
Wait a minute… did you think the Revolution was about a tea tax? Not hardly. The Declaration of Independence explains some of the things the colonists suffered under King George.
No Reading Among Slaves
Now one can easily understand why the slave owners did not want blacks taught to read. They would have understood what Martin Luther King understood: The Constitution does not enforce itself.
“In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men – yes, black men as well as white men – would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness… America has given the nxxxo people a bad check, a check which has come back marked ‘insufficient funds.” ….Martin Luther King
(Note: Martin Luther King used the N word in this speech. So, I replaced the N word with nxxxo to avoid rewriting history, and getting censored by tech companies.)
The Underground Railroad and the Founders:
Ben Franklin was profoundly impressed by his visit to a black college. As a result ,He joined an abolition Society. Franklin came to believe that slavery should be ended. He eventually freed his own two slaves.
American history is not perfect. We had Founding Fathers who practiced slavery. But why do we no longer hear about those who opposed it? Why do we not hear about those who participated in the “Underground Railroad” to free the slaves? Why do public schools no longer teach the Constitution?
- If you like articles like this one, please support us, and recommend us to others. Thank you.
- To learn how to home school, click here.
- To learn how to teach phonics, reading and comprehension, click here
- Learn how history has been rewritten here.
- Republic Defined
Does Your Child Have A Learning Disability (or misdiagnoses)?
Learning Disabilities are often misdiagnosed even among professionals. An increasing number of parents are told their children have a learning disability, and need to be held back or medicated. Many parents have concerns about the latter because medications do have side effects. Being held back can also have side effects. If this describes you and your child, you will want to read this article before making a decision.
There are times when medication can help. But according to Gail Saltz, M.D., drugs do not teach the behaviors that will help those with ADD / ADHD function in the world and workplace as they grow older
Moreover, there are numerous cases where children have other conditions that are too often misdiagnosed as a learning disabilities. Symptoms can mimic each other. So parents are wise to be apprehensive. This article provides valuable information and alternative choices that will help you and your child with this important decision.
Note: These are not all the possibilities, nor is it to put the blame on parents or teachers. This article is provided to help parents and teachers make educated decisions on these matters.
In this article, you will find the following:
- Artisan personalities, are commonly misdiagnosed as having a learning disability.
- Scotopic Sensitivity (a vision problem, not a learning disability)
- Natural Time Clocks, which is often the case with analytical personalities like Einstein’s.
- The hearing problem called “cookie bites”
- Stress (cortisol), which is increasingly more common in today’s learning enviornment.
- Pronouncing phonic sounds incorrectly, which is the second most common.
- whole word verses phonics.
- How to help your child if they do have a learning disability.
1. Artisan Personalities (are frequently misdiagnosed as having a learning disability)
The Hands On Learners (Artisan Personality) are often misdiagnosed as having learning disabilities such as ADD or hyperactivity. They are also often described as “immature“. As a result, they are often held back in school repeatedly.
These children are brilliant until they enter the traditional school environment. They are the first to learn any task that is “hands on” like riding a bike. “Hands on learners” won’t give up until they master such tasks…these children might fall off, get skinned up, but are right back on their project until they succeed.
- They like to entertain and to be entertained
- Prefer visual over verbal learning
- The more game like, or hands on the instruction, the better
- Team play and competition work well with these children
- It is more important to praise their performance, than to praise their product
- These active children like short activities in which they can move around
- Workbooks and flash cards can be devastating to these children. This is the main reason they often do not shine in the school enviornment.
To learn more about different learning styles, you will want to click HERE.
2. Scotopic Sensitivity
Scotopic Sensitivity (also known as Irlen Syndrome) is so misunderstood. Thus, it is often misdiagnosed as a learning disability. It is a sensitivity to lighting, that causes some children and adults to see things (including letters on paper) as if they were viewing a snowy TV screen, or it can cause them to see inanimate objects moving violently . Some or all of the following symptoms can be noticed in those that have Scotopic Sensitivity:
- Light sensitivity in conditions like glare from lights (car headlights), glare from surfaces, bright lighting, florescent lights (including energy saving light bulbs), sunlight and night vision.
- Contrast problems like black text on a white background can cause the letters or background to move rapidly for these children.
- Window blinds or verticals create a contrast that can create vision problems.
- Stripe and bold patterns can cause them to see violent movement where there is none, or to see them in 3D when they are flat.
- Restricted field of clear vision. They might see only part of a page clearly while the rest is blurry causing them to have trouble keeping track of where they are at on a page.
- Poor depth perception
- Attention and concentration is difficult for these children because of the above described
- These conditions can also cause them to be more susceptible to migraines and headaches
Note: Some of these children love to draw, but refuse to read. Extreme cases of this condition have been misdiagnosed as Asperger Syndrome.
If you would like to know more about Scotopic Sensitivity, we recommend the following book: Reading by the Colors (Revised)
Note: According to Dr. Aman:
this condition can Lead to headaches, anxiety, depression, problems reading, and depth perception issues. He further states that getting this condition treated and properly diagnosed can make a significant difference in your child’s physical and mental health.
3. Natural Time Clocks
Speaking of one size not fitting all; natural time clocks for learning are different in children. My second grandson was a perfect example:
At the age of five, Koty had learned all of his phonic sounds (from a phonics/reading game…..because he hated flash cards), and could read all of his early reader books. He also enjoyed sounding out large words like “premium” as he and his mother traveled around town playing word games.
But he had no desire to pick up a book and read it. He preferred, instead, to have his mother read to him as she had from the time he was little. Mother was becoming a bit worried, because other kids his age were able to read better than koty. But she had read the book Better Late Than Early: A New Approach to Your Child’s Education, by Raymond and Dorothy Moore. As a result, she decided to do as the scientific research suggested.
One day Koty again asked her to read a book for him. He was fascinated by the picture on the cover, and wanted to know what was inside. “Sorry Koty”, she replied, “I just don’t have the time right now”. Koty, anxious to learn what was inside this interesting book, began reading it by himself. He did not put it down until he had finished. Mom even allowed him to read late in bed to nurture his enthusiasm.
Each child is unique: Work with their uniqueness, not against it.
What a miracle! Just as the Moores had predicted, Koty’s enthusiasm was lit. From that day forward he became an avid reader, and advanced several grade levels in a very short period of time…passing his peers.
My little brother, who is now grown, describes himself as having experienced this same situation. He says he learned to read later than most because he simply was not ready. By the way, he is of above average intelligence.
As a child, Albert Einstein was described as a slow learner, and his teacher believed that he would not succeed in any career.
One can learn more about this research at this link: Different Learning Styles.
Recent research reveals many children are misdiagnosed as having learning disabilities simply because of their birth month (simply too young). _________________________________How to Homeschool Your Child.
4. Hearing Conditions such As “Cookie Bites” are not learning disabilities
This one I experience myself, and it is very often misdiagnosed until late in life (for me it was in my 30‘s). Hearing specialists can test for this condition, and prescribe digital hearing aids to help. Allow me to describe this condition for you.
Children with this condition will be able to hear some sounds very well, and others not so well. For example: I hear Rs, and Gs. However F, and S sound just alike to me, unless I am able to read your lips. These children become very proficient at reading lips, and logically filling in missing sounds and words. As a result parents often never realize that it is an actual hearing loss.
- You will find that these children seem to follow instructions better when they are looking at you (reading your lips)
- They will also commonly mispronounce words causing them to be poor spellers, and poor at decoding phonic sounds to form words (they often pronounce phonic sounds incorrectly).
- Tip: when teaching these children their phonic sounds, be sure they are able to look directly at your lips.
My children say they thought I was ignoring them when they said Mom. The truth was, I did not hear the M…I only heard short vowel o.
Many children with hearing problems often compensate by becoming good listeners, and good at reading faces.
If you or your child wears a Cochlear implant or hearing aid, this article will interest you.
5. Stress And The Toxic Hormone Cortisol cause learning disabilities
If your child is experiencing stress, pay close attention to this section.
The results of too much Stress causes learning disabilities, and must be addressed. When we experience stress, it causes an elevated level of the toxic hormone cortisol. Children are less able to deal with stress then are adults.
Studies show that the toxic effect of excessive cortisol has an effect on the brain. The effects can be lasting if stress happens over a long period of time. This hormone was found to be one of the major causes of behavior problems, learning disabilities (ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, hyperactivity, ext), confusion, and impaired thinking in adults, and in children.
Cortisol effects children’s ability to learn.
Children can become stressed simply because they think something is wrong with them when other children are learning to read faster then they are (see example in #6 below).
Some of the conditions mentioned above , diet (like an allergy or sensitivity to sugar), incorrect disciplining procedures, or excessive testing can cause stress. Very sensitive children often need different discipline practices than other children might. In large classrooms this is often very hard to accomplish (one size never fits all).
Madeline Lavine PhD is a psychologist with over 30 years experience working with children. In her book, Teach Your Children Well: Parenting for Authentic Success , she explains that the way we are educating children today is actually causing learning disabilities.
6. Pronouncing Phonic Sounds Incorrectly
I have worked with many children who falsely believed that something was wrong with them because they were not reading as well as other children. This alone can cause stress for children (elevated cortisol levels). Pronouncing the phonic sounds incorrectly is one of the most common causes of an inability to read. Not all children are hindered by this, but way to many are. So if your child knows their phonic sounds, but is having trouble reading this section is definitely for you.
Real Life Example:
One of my students was enunciating only the letter w incorrectly. But she believed that something was wrong with her because others were reading better than she was. It became a self fulfilling prophecy. She was stressed every time she was asked to read a book, She could read perfectly while playing our reading game because play takes away stress. However, put a book in front of her, and she couldn’t read the same word that she just read while playing the game.
Each Child is Unique. Work with that uniqueness, not against it.
So in this child’s case, I used the board game (Ring Around The Phonics) to teach her blending of the phonic sounds (especially words with w in them). Once she became confident that she could read using the game, I presented her with a grade level book. When she struggled with a word in the book, I simply put that word on the red part of the board game (not playing the game, just using the static cling letters, and placing the word anywhere on the board). She confidently read the word placed on the game board (it was a game to her…no stress). Than I had her move back and forth from the game board to the book. I repeated this until she got it correctly in the book. After doing this for a period of time, she lost her fear of books.
She went from failing status to top reading group in her class, and the teacher said it also improved her spelling. The following video explains more so that you can check to see if your child is experiencing this condition:
Here is a letter from her teacher recommending Ring Around The Phonics.
7. Phonic Sounds Verses Whole Word
This was another one I personally experienced. I suspect my teacher resorted to teaching me word recognition because she recognized that I was not grasping the phonic sounds. She likely never realized it was due to the “cookie bite” hearing loss, which I describe above (#4).
However not knowing the phonic sounds caused me to read very slowly, and to hate reading. It took me hours to do homework that took other children a much shorter time to accomplish. It was not until I learned phonics that I began to love reading, and my past speed reading classes finally took effect! The following video explains more:
8. If your child has learning disabilities:
Meet Karen, a tutor, and hear what she has to say about the children she helps with Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD and Aspergers Syndrome:
Karen uses and endorses Ring Around The Phonics for children with ADD, dyslexia and Asperger syndrome. In fact, Karen says Ring Around The Phonics landed her tutoring job after her nephew’s tutoring service saw what it did for him.
P.S. Many parents who have children with Autism are finding great results by using the method taught at RDI Connect.
In Conclusion
Being informed, and participating in your child’s diagnosis can make a difference in the outcome of his future. No one cares more than you.
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Help Your Child Learn
Are you interested in helping your child learn? Does it break your heart to see them struggling? I am going to tell you a true story that will help you to help your child.
True Story
In the 70s, I was given my first group of eight children that had not learned to read with the traditional method of teaching. That method was the “one size fits all” approach that plagues the public schools. That is because of Government Central Planning/ Government mandated curriculum and testing) has not allowed teachers to individualize the curriculum.
That group of 8 were all first graders from the same class. They were given to me shortly after Christmas. That is when teachers are suppose to decided which children they were going to fail. This decision is traditionally made by that time of year, because it allows teachers to prepare the other children for the year end test. She (the teacher) told me that I was to help these children learn to read. She continued to work with them on every subject except reading. So I knew that I was to be their babysitter for the remainder of the year. These eight children were considered dumb by their classmates. It was absolutely no fault of the teacher…It was just kids logical observations, and conclusions.
Seven were hands on learners, and one had a short term memory problem. I knew these kids, and their families, because I was in the “Follow Through Program . Thus I knew they were smart, and had the ability to learn. So I just could not give up on helping them by simply babysitting. Perhaps you can imagine how inadequate I felt. To be honest, I was scared. So I did the only thing I knew to do, and that was to pray for guidance. I asked a Higher Power to show me how to help these children. That very night, in a dream, the whole method was presented to me. So the next school day, I was well prepared. The children loved the game from my dream.
Parents often approach me with the same feelings I had. They are concerned that they are not capable of teaching their children phonetic reading. So I ask them, “Can you read?” When they say, “Yes”, my reply is: “Then you can teach your child to read. With the right tools it is a ton of fun, and much easier than you think.” We have even provided you free videos so you can make sure you are teaching the phonic sounds correctly. This is import for some children, and the first video explains the most commonly mispronounced sounds….Free Phonic Sounds Videos Here
One little boy (the tallest in the group) was advancing more slowly than the others. So one child declared, “He is dumb!” You can imagine how that child felt being called “dumb”. The tallest child lowered his eyes, and his face. He looked so sad, and devastated. It was heart breaking. Is that happening to your child?
I knew that he lived on a small farm, and could drive a tractor. So I quickly said, “Oh no, he is not dumb! Did you know that he can drive a tractor?” The other kids exclaimed, “He Can?” I said, “yes”! The little boy who thought he was the dumbest of the dumb, was suddenly aroused. He raised his face, and his blue eyes widened with surprise. From that day forward, he was considered the hero of the group, and, more importantly, he learned more quickly. In fact all seven of these children began learning faster in other subjects too. That was simply because they discovered that they were not dumb after all. A child’s attitude about themselves can affect their learning ability.
Team Building
Because there had been so much divisiveness and shame in the group, I told them: “once you all learn your first 8 sounds, we will read your first book together”. That day arrived rather quickly, and the kids were so excited (me too). We all giggled in delight as the reader rapped their arms around themselves in a hug, and giggled with joy. As a result they had become a team eager to help one-another.
Finally I went to the teacher, and told her that seven were reading at grade level, and were ready for her to put back in her reading groups. However, She did not believe me. So I was their only reading/ phonics teacher for the remainder of the year.
I did not know it then, but the method that came in that dream is whole brain teaching, which involves as many of the senses as possible. Scientific Studies show that with this method, children learn faster, retain more, and it improves the health of the brain. That means it is excellent for hands on learners, and for children with learning disabilities. I will tell you more about that below.
Traditional Method Fails Too Many Children
These 7 children didn’t learn with the traditional method (flash cards and workbooks), because they were “hands on learners”. Forty Five percent of children are hands on learners. With this game, their self-esteem was better, and their stress dissolved, because they were playing. I was teaching. But, in their mind, they were playing. Dr. Stanley explains why this method is so effective (A Vygotskian Perspective) in the video below. Whole brain teaching helps children learn, and studies show that it even reduces stress, and improves the health of the brain.
To the teacher’s surprise, seven of my group passed the end of the year reading test, and were moved on to second grade. Over the years I repeated that success with children from kindergarten through sixth grade, using that very same method. Adults began asking me to teach them how to help their children who were struggling with their reading/ phonics. So my daughter, some home school families, a game designer, and an English college professor, helped me to develop the learning game Ring Around The Phonics. It is now easy for you to help your child, because of their loving efforts. (Customers can buy this product on our website).
I am excited to tell you this: To my surprise other educators began to show me that they were using it to help children learn:
- Phonics, Reading and Blending of Sounds
- Comprehension, Communication and Listening Skills
- Spelling and Vocabulary
- Foreign Languages
- All sorts of language arts subjects
- To learn more about the game, click here. Be sure to check out the savings with our value pack click here (The fourth purchasing option).
Over the years, I have been blessed with that dream. Because I have been able to help many more children (home school and public school) using that very game, which we make available to you on this site..
Now You Can Help Your Child learn, Even If The Teacher says Otherwise
Don’t let your child suffer any longer. You can help your child with Whole Brain Teaching… Help them learn to read, the easy and fun way, as have many others just like you.
Nile Stanley, Ph.D. reading professor, University of North Florida
Dr. Stanley explains why this method is so effective (A Vygotskian Perspective).
Note: Studies show that when children discover their natural talents (that which lights their fire), they will learn previously difficult subjects just to be able to do that which sparks them. Read more about that on our blog.
In 2005, more children were helped:
See the letter below, and hear another true story at this link: Most Common in Poor Readers

Homeschooling provides more of an opportunity to do healthy whole brain teaching than is possible in today’s public schools.
Suicides, depression, and violence are on the increase in our public schools.
We have only recently began to research the causes of suicides, depression and violence in our public schools. The findings are very revealing, and the media is not telling parents. Here you will arm yourself with information to help the children.
A young boy (only a sophomore) recently committed suicide. He left behind a very telling suicide note. The note explained that school pressures caused his decision to end his life. This young boy is but one of many. It has given pause to the entire community, including school leaders and parents.
How did we get here?
We got here when we opened every conversation with our high school children about futures, goals, and achievements with the words: “I just want you to succeed (make money).” We should be using the words, “I just want you to develop your individual (God given- if you will) talents ….to be who you were meant to be. ”
One Size does not fit all: Suicide Depression and Violence
I worked as a professional tutor in the public school system. Many very bright hands on learners, and analytical thinkers do not learn from the “One Size Fits All” method now mandated in the public school system. The conventional method (workbooks and lectures) doesn’t work for about 40% of the children. Many bright individuals, who don’t learn with this method, are treated like they are dumb. As a result, they often feel ashamed, isolated, or worthless. Is it any wonder that so many are depressed, and suicidal?
Simply by using hands on learning methods (Whole Brain Teaching like Ring Around The Phonics), they quickly and easily learn. These children do not need to be drugged or left behind.
The transformation is amazing once they discover they can learn…that they are not dumb. Because their self esteem improves, they no longer wish to end their lives. Furthermore: drugs do not teach the behaviors that will help those diagnosed with ADD / ADHD function in the world and workplace as they grow older.”
We are overly concerned about “success” (making money in the workforce). But we are not concerned enough about developing a child’s natural individual talents. I witnessed countless teachers who deeply cared about the children, have their hands tied by a bureaucracy that cares more about money than they do the individual child.
Misdiagnoses can cause suicide, depression and violence.
Jacob Barnett was accurately diagnosed with moderate to severe autism. However, doctors told his parents that the boy would likely never talk or read. Furthermore, Jacob’s parents were told he would probably never be unable to independently manage basic daily activities like tying his shoe laces.
But they were sorely, extraordinarily mistaken.
Today, Barnett — now 14 — is a Master’s student, on his way to earning a PhD in quantum physics. The teen has an IQ of 170. He may one day win the Nobel Prize. (Source: )
Albert Einstein’s story is very similar. Gandhi failed at the career he was educated for, but he united a Nation.
How Did We Get Here?
Our children are suffering from depression, suicidal tendencies, violence, and anxiety. But we allow the news media and emotions to divide us with gun issues. The media has a political agenda that ignores real problems and solutions.
Use Whole Brain teaching to improve a child’s brain health and ability to learn: How to Help Your Child Learn